Get qualified with a CUA40120 Certificate IV in Dance - ONLINE.

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Our Global Dance Pro course can now be done from anywhere, at any time! GDP students are able to complete their CUA40120 Certificate IV in Dance ONLINE. This is completed alongside National Health and Fitness Academy  (RTO #31894 who assess and deliver the training).

GDP has developed this exciting new course using an online and video platform that is bringing dance education, training, and knowledge to dance passionate people from all over Australia.

This platform makes it more accessible and more affordable for individuals who want to get the qualification and can’t necessarily get to the studios where it’s being offered. Being qualified in what you love has become a whole lot easier with GDP!

Students wishing to complete their CUA40120 Certificate IV in Dance online must be 15 years old, and show a Certificate III level of dance competency through an audition video. This video would ideally demonstrate a few dance and/or technical combinations, in any style, while also showcasing their love of dance.

Through obtaining this qualification online, dancers will become versatile dancers with a deeper awareness of what it takes to ‘make it’ in the entertainment industry.

Training and assessment services are provided by Global Dance Pro on behalf of the RTO National Health and Fitness Academy (RTO# 31894). National Health and Fitness Academy will issue you your dance qualification, once you have successfully completed all of your training and assessment requirements.

INTRODUCING the L.A. EXPERIENCE – GDP was founded on the concept of closing the gap between international borders and helping our dancers go GLOBAL. We are proud to now offer an optional 2, 4, 6 or 8 week L.A. concierge experience for our online students!

To find out more register your details today.